Over these past months, I have contemplated much on this concept or idea of what seems to be two opposing forces in our world. These two seem to be the battle we as humans encounter both internally and externally all throughout our lives. From our conversations and interactions, these happen to be the places where we can't seem to agree and sometimes these disputes turn into all out wars both in society and in our own personal battles. First, as always I like to look at the definitions.... In many ways, it has seemed to me always that spirituality is what presents the ideal and our environment presents the reality. To me this is the conflict between the church and our modern society.
We have a culture which has in many ways given up on seeking the ideal and settles for the reality if it causes any personal pains or afflictions. The church on the other hand, always pushing for its people to be Saints, giving the ideal. The biggest problem occurs especially where we as a church forget to meet people in their reality and walk them along into the ideal. And what adds to the complexity of the situation is where we find the institution of the church initiated and guided by God (the Ideal) but still run by human beings (the reality). So what you have is many people(especially leaders) in the church who preach the ideal, but many times don't allow this to shape, mold, and guide their reality. I think St. Paul in Romans, Chapter 7 speaks of this most when he says.... "What I do, I do not understand. For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate." Paul unlike many in our modern society recognizes his own fallen state (reality), but does not stop fighting to strive for the most perfect or most holy (ideal). Learning from Jesus, Paul does as all Christians should in meeting people in their reality, sympathizing with them, yet not leaving there in always directing towards the ideal. Recently in my life as I have in many ways always been an "idealist" have had to face many harsh realities. As I am able to sit at more dinner table conversations with leaders in the church, and engage in meetings, I have seen more and more just how far we have come from the realities of the common everyday people. Even more so, I have personally even experienced the repercussions of this separation by judgements passed on me even to the point of lost opportunities (including job loss). Even more so as I am a person who naturally takes action and activates initiatives/movements, etc. I have had to come to face the reality of free will in other peoples lives how they will not take action. Lastly, I have had to face my own human limitations in just how much I can do personally on my own. Recently, I let the AMDG movement website go down because at the end of the day there wasn't enough effort from others that would allow it to continue/sustain/grow. I also have been faced with some big burdens of forgiveness towards people in my life and even the church in ways that I have been treated. Like Paul... I choose to persevere. I recently read an article which reminded me of the story in the book of Hosea of the Old Testament, where Hosea is called by God to be a living representation of God's relationship with Israel. God calls Hosea to marry a woman who cheats on him and is with many other men, in order to represent to Israel that God views them as an adulterer. We are told by God "I will allure her now; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak persuasively to her. Then I will give her the vineyards she had, and the valley of Achor as a door of hope" (Hosea 2:16-17). It is clear that God's marital devotion is profound, but since Israel has not been loyal God has every right to divorce her..... Even so still, God keeps working to unite and redeem her. As we fast forward to Jesus, in the incarnation we see the God finally coming to reunite Heaven and Earth or the Ideal and the Reality in himself... 100% Human, yet still 100% Divine. Then in the institution of the Church as his body, we are meant to continue this. So though many times we fall short of living this to its fullest, we see in the life of every Saint persevering until the end of their life, the re-unification once more of the ideal living in the reality. I have faced many things that have tried to push me away, and I know that logic alone would tell me to simply leave the church, or to give up on pushing this ideal.... I could easily fall into that fanaticism that would separate myself from the people however I know I have been called to sanctity. Many times I fall short just like Paul following Jesus, but I will continue to this end until this is fulfilled. No matter who rejects me, mocks me, persecutes me, or what challenges may come against me.... No matter the budget or lack of.... At home; work; or wherever as I maneuver through the world. I know many find it admirable to fight through the harsh realities in order to gain financial success, or to reach some plateau in a relationship, etc and satisfy that "ideal" but I only wish to persevere in extending this Heaven on Earth. I just pray that all of you do the same and that we do it together. - The Symbol - All is Love
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The Symbol's MUSIC :These are my thoughts . . . My Beliefs . . . My Actions . . . Everything I do. This is the documentation of my quest towards creating more unity in the community by authentic #LOVE.
This blog was started at: DaLyricalMiracle.blogspot.com and continued at: allislovefeelx.tumblr.com But now, as I have matured in my understanding as "The Symbol" and no longer Brandon Feel-X Morel you can continue my journey with me here. FREE DOWNLOADs(click above images to get download link)
March 2021