Today before going into the new year there is a bittersweet moment. This morning at 8:30 I now have my great grandmother Wella as an ancestor on the other side interceding for us here. We are hurt but grateful for her life as a beautifully sweet shining light who is a cornerstone for our family. We celebrate and move on into the new year with complete #LOVE and understanding as she now rests in paradise we use her #inspiration to create more of the paradise on earth.
This picture was taken this past August with my sister and son on our trip to Florida. - The Symbol - All is Love Once told stories of seeds grown high,
A great magic to climb above into the sky. Why? Deep poverty and suffering searching for hope beans are found A trade made then planted into the ground Climb. Climb. Climb. At one time hidden from Giant Stolen riches . . . Running away CHOP! The Giant was defeated Who was the Giant? Will we ever know. What if we only understood, that if we were grinded into the bread of the sky where he lay Eternal riches will be ours some day. How could we blame the past though? Desperation breeds impatient acts sometimes And the desecration of oneself, when your broken inside - From the outside conditions unpleasant But if we knew of the life as eternal peasant Giving away all of our heavenly presents To those in need. Maybe then we . . . Could live in the castle. Well, for now I will climb the beanstalk. - The Symbol - All is Love Last night I was on the radio with the brother Jonathan Lederman aka "JDOGG" and we spoke a little inspiration for the coming year. We were also with a woman named Mateja Petje. I pray you guys receive this information well and can get a few nuggets of knowledge to apply as you hopefully journey with me for a lifestyle that embraces a culture of complete #LOVE . . . #allislove - The Symbol
- All is Love The grind doesn't stop!!! Check me out THIS MONDAY December 30th, 2013, at 6:00PM Eastern Time for the radio show at: , as we discuss, share plans and inspirations for the new year coming. Also, take some time and check out for more about what it is that Jonathan Lederman aka JDOGG does, and is all about.
- The Symbol - All is Love So here we are in the Christmas season coming out of Advent(Our preparation for Christmas), and I look at our Jesse Tree reflecting.
It was a beautiful thing to create this for 24 days until now as a family. Each day, with our Advent wreath praying, reading scripture, and reflecting. Everyone had a part in it. . . My mom, who had never sat and read scripture before read with us; my sister who has such a beautiful spirit and soul alternating with me as we reflected back after each of the scriptures; and Christian who just sat and soaked it all in as he colored and created the art for our tree. It was cool even in our final days, as my Grandparents came to be with us prayed and read with us, which is something neither of them has ever really done. What is a Jesse Tree exactly? . . . And why Jesse? . . . Well, Jesse was the father of the great King David of the Old Testament. He is often looked upon as the first person in the genealogy of Jesus. This process of creating the tree is much like a family tree that many of us do to understand our ancestry and the culture of our own family. This practice of creating this tree, in preparation for Christmas helps us to understand our ancestry as we are truly one family in Christ. Trees in themselves hold great symbolism, and as a family to reflect and understand these things helps to bring great love and unity. All I can say is, you may want to experience it for yourself! No matter what faith, denomination, or lack of faith, this is a great meditative experience to bring into your home. I had never done it before this year, and I can say it was a great way of launching a family prayer time to unify your household in a deeper sense. PS- Click this link for a little more info and a guide in case you want to do a Jesse Tree with your family next year. - - The Symbol - All is Love Here's Christian's first bike ride!
It was really a special thing for me, because for anyone who knows me personally, knows that I never had a bike as a kid, and so . . . At 23, I've never learned to ride a bike. So this day, and these past few days as Christian has done such an amazing job at riding his bike, its been one of those "I want my kids to experience things I was never able to" kind of things. Now usually, I tell other parents when they say this that their children will have to face difficulties one way or another because it is important for their development. They need to fall down. They need to be hurt. And although we try to eliminate these things as much as possible, it is better not to try and eliminate the problems, but instead teach and guide our children so that they know how to combat these things with true inner knowledge. Christian took one big spill yesterday as we were coming down one of the hills, but I spoke to him he shook it off and had fun as he kept on riding.(Not without being more careful of course. It was sort of a little humbling experience for him with that fall.) Needless to say. . . These are #TheJoysOfFatherhood - The Symbol - All is Love So this Christmas was a great one spent with family. I left my phone in my room all day and didn't look at it all day until the evening and it was a beautiful thing. Christian enjoyed his gifts, as well as my mom, Grandparents and sister. We ate together, joked, laughed, and I spent like an hour putting together some of the most intricate Lego pieces I have ever seen with Christian.
The day started with family breakfast and then gift opening. Then everyone enjoyed some of their new gifts for a while, especially Christian who we played with and you can see on my Instagram (@BeTheSymbol). we ate dinner together and I got my grub on as we had some of Grandma's Pastelles(Its the HIspanic in me! lol) We attempted to put together a Gingerbread house, but for some reason the frosting just wasn't holding it all together. Then we got together to watch a movie and I tried to use our new Popcorn maker. I have been a self-proclaimed "Popcorn-ivore" my entire life, but never thought one day the Popcorn would attack back! Check it out here - Needless to say, I need this. I could never be The Symbol if it wasn't for days like this. Praying together, and just enjoying one another's company as a family is really starting the society of #LOVE - The Symbol - All is Love A man awoke from a long rest.
He found himself before a palace, with parades of people. All shades, tones, and sizes they were; gracefully and peacefully walking into the palace. The palace was open on all sides. The guards danced, and colorful birds circled around it. Trumpets played. And marching bands played rhythms so perfect they seemed electronic. All sounds sweet, acoustic, and heavenly. Nature sang with the winds that blew and droplets of water that dropped. The man stood up and followed. They were all dressed in white, with gold trimmings bare foot. Crowns upon their heads, and the finest jewelry ever seen. They walked. With bouquets of lavender flowers at hand, they walked joyously. There seemed to be a great mission at hand. Within the palace there was a carpet of red rose petals leading down the center. There were thousands of shining people playing and singing from the balconies. There were organs, and flutes. There was one harp, and the voices of children giggling rhythmically. All sounds worked into a symphony written in D major. The man was marveled as he walked with tears in his eyes and looking above read poetry of joy and triumph written in Greek; painted in blue, the words were engraved into the ceiling of this palace. All were walking to the center of the palace. There was a great fountain made of Gold, spewing out water crystal clear glimmering in the light reflected by the Gold and Diamond all around. There were 3 thrones before the fountain with no one sitting in them. But from them were 3 great lights, shining as one before the foot of the fountain. There lay a new born child, cozy and warm as a young man and a young woman knelt beside him with eyes of awe. Winged animals cuddled before him, and an abundant harvest of fruits and vegetables of all kinds were laid out, circling around the man, the woman, and the child. The parade was marching to the child. As they laid their lavender flowers before him the man who awoke to this place was overcome by this sight. And he looked in his reflection to see, that unlike the members of this parade he was dressed in black. But his shoes were Golden. As he reached into his right pocket he found but one black flower, crumpled and broken. Ashamed he turned to hide himself from all. Crying, he knew how unworthy he was of this place and he sat to take off of his shoes for they seemed to be the only gift fit for this divine family of love. Instantly, the child turned and splashed some of the water from the fountain on the man. The man began to rise into the air, along with all of the members of the parade.. The child smiled and the light from the three thrones then shone upon the man. At once all of the parade members were sent out, and a great light covered all of the land. All across the earth people followed the light identified by the shadow of the man, and they came to the palace. Leaving all they had before, and they were made royal. - The Symbol - All is Love Here's a little Christmas present from my homie John Jevi . . . I'm on a couple of tracks on this mixtape, and it features artists from all over the country bringing true love and light to all of their listeners. I am blessed to be a part of it all. #word - The Symbol
- All is Love This Sunday was the First Annual Santa Maria Children's Choir Christmas Spectacular!
And for it being the first time, the children did amazing. It has been great to see over the past year how this choir has grown not only in number but in support by the families and people of the Santa Maria Community here in the Bronx. I help out of course from time to time, but it was also great to see my boy Christian up there singing and dancing, having fun performing for all of the families. Above are some pictures from the show. We also celebrated Fr. Martin's birthday(The pastor of Santa Maria) and the kids gave him a gift. Needless to say . . . I love this community. It really is one big family of love and joy. Glad I was led to be a part of this all. Especially this Advent, preparing for Christmas. - The Symbol - All is Love Quick photo re-cap of the retreat at St. Phillip Neri's. Got to share with them some inspiration as they move forward to be confirmed this year.
They also were the first to hear the first single off of this "Golden EP" coming to you soon. I enjoyed my time speaking with them, especially off stage during lunch where I got to just speak and share a little more personally in their lives to offer hopefully some guidance as they move forward. Most definitely won't be the last time I'm there. Might just pop my head in during Youth Group times one of these days. lol. #word - The Symbol - All is Love This Saturday I will be with some of the All is Love team at St. Phillip Neri's here in the Bronx working with their youth group and confirmation students to inspire and motivate them for the Golden Life they were always made to live.
PS: This will be the first time anyone hears the first single off of "The Golden EP" from me coming soon. - The Symbol - All is Love Yesterday was a great recording workshop with Kids Creative. The kids collaborated with myself and Stephen to write and record a song from scratch in under 2 hours. Also in the next room, their parents wrote a verse for our song with Adam and Suzu in the parent workshop speaking about the value of community.
Later this week you will be able to hear this song up online on the Kids Creative website and shared here. - The Symbol - All is Love My goal in life is to live it in such a way that others are inspired to live daily action in a new way... Not simply lift quotes and create memes that make people go "wow" for a few seconds; share and move without deep meditation, contemplation, and a will to make a reality in each moment from then on. #TheSymbol #allislove
The Symbol's MUSIC :These are my thoughts . . . My Beliefs . . . My Actions . . . Everything I do. This is the documentation of my quest towards creating more unity in the community by authentic #LOVE.
This blog was started at: and continued at: But now, as I have matured in my understanding as "The Symbol" and no longer Brandon Feel-X Morel you can continue my journey with me here. FREE DOWNLOADs(click above images to get download link)
March 2021