It has been a blessing to see this community grow and for so many lives to be reached with Christ in one way or another. We have created a space where people can express their lives and faith as we gather before the blessed sacrament, share in small groups, and participate artistically.
Along with my Idente Family we were glad last week to celebrate 3 years of these monthly gatherings. I have met many people here, and because of our great team I feel we have truly created a family space. Pray with us as we move forward as we are just still getting started. - The Symbol - All is Love
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The Eucharist, which is the summit and source of our Christian faith also calls us to a communal living. Here are just a few clips from a weekend session with St. Joseph's Syro-Malabar Catholic Church in Tampa about Eucharist and community in the modern world. The Symbol teaches this in a way that is engaging, for the auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learner.
- The Symbol - All is Love "I have been crucified with Christ, yet I live no longer I, but Christ lives in me." - Galatians 2:20
This is my only tattoo. And I know that so many people have all kinds of issues with tattoos as Christian's but when I got it years ago it was simply because I wanted it to be a mark for my decision to walk with God and His church. I have heard arguments both ways for and against tattoos but personally I am unsure which is the place to stand. What I know is that for me, I didn't have any major theological training but only one simple thought.... Dedicate myself to Jesus. And although this has been difficult over the years with persecution from many sides I find myself again with the same dedication. The cross is painful... The cross is embarrassing... The cross is foolish to seek out and embrace by human standards. Still I march forward towards daily crucifixion. Walk with me. Pray with me. Let us carry our crosses together. - The Symbol - All is Love |
The Symbol's MUSIC :These are my thoughts . . . My Beliefs . . . My Actions . . . Everything I do. This is the documentation of my quest towards creating more unity in the community by authentic #LOVE.
This blog was started at: and continued at: But now, as I have matured in my understanding as "The Symbol" and no longer Brandon Feel-X Morel you can continue my journey with me here. FREE DOWNLOADs(click above images to get download link)
March 2021