- The Symbol
- All is Love
Week Seven of Marriage Mondays.
This week offers some tips on better understanding your partner. This is a weekly series released here on Mondays at 6PM where we will share about relationships and marriage as we build with one another as a family from week to week. Please follow: @Pinky2Heaven on Instagram Also for more content about us or marriage, visit the "To Heaven" tab on this site. - The Symbol - All is Love Video Production: Chari Films (IG: @charifilms)
Inspired by Jesus Last Words found in Luke 23:46; "Father into your hands I commend my Spirit." This song and video present a personal story of surrender to God's will; one from the artist The Symbol himself, and two from the character's presented in the story line of the video. Stream the song "Last Words(Lift My Hands)" by The Symbol (@BeTheSymbol). Now available on all streaming platforms.(iTunes/Apple Music; Spotify; Tidal; Google Play; Pandora; Amazon; and more...) - The Symbol - All is Love Episode Seven: Differences Our modern society has issues with roles, and distinct differences between genders/sexes. Looking at the model of Jesus as sacrificial, and self-giving we explore the beauty of differences here on this episode of Word Up. Playing off of the lyrics from "Grew Up In This" from @BeTheSymbol's "Sainthood In The City vol. 1" which state "In the beginning was the Word - WORD UP! My pops said Word is bond don't ever say bluff." this series is a more uncut version of some talks and encouragement looking at God's inspired word the Bible and pointing out a few ideas catered towards teens and young adults to pray about while implementing into their own lives. (Video by Earthly Lynx Productions) Look out for an episode every Thursday at 12 noon on The Symbol's Youtube Channel. - The Symbol
- All is Love This song released awhile back on digital streaming platforms, and we have been working on this music video for some time now so we are glad to tell you that it is being released this Saturday, February 16th, 2019. Please feel free to save to your smart device and share these social media images below to help us get the word out. Also, my brother over at Earthly Lynx Productions captured some of the behind the scenes footage and we have this two part video thing going on here Follow him on Instagram and subscribe on Youtube, while checking out these videos below...
We pray this song and video inspire you to surrender your life to God's will in all moments... the good and the bad. Amen.
- The Symbol - All is Love Week Six of Marriage Mondays. This week is about how to have healthy and productive fights/arguments.
This is a weekly series released here on Mondays at 6PM where we will share about relationships and marriage as we build with one another as a family from week to week. - The Symbol - All is Love Episode Six: Another Beautiful Day
"Pro-Life" has a negative connotation in our culture today, but what does it really mean in its fullest essence?.. This week we explore the meaning of truly valuing all of human life. - The Symbol - All is Love 🤔💭I was in Middle school. Picking up my younger sister and taking the 6 train back to the Bronx from Harlem, we would stop at the bodega for snacks before the ride - and on special days when I had extra money we would stop at the fish market on 110th street for a fish sandwich and some fries.... it was on one of these days I stopped at the CD guy and bought my first 2 albums with my own money - they were Kanye’s “College Dropout”, and Nas’ “God’s Son”. 🎵💿 🎧
In recent years as I have grown, I look back and realize just how much those two albums influenced me - not only as an artist, but as a young minority male in NYC searching for Identity.... 🗽🌇🌃 Nas in particular grew to be like that cool older brother or uncle who was teaching me about life; it’s struggles, and how to persevere through it all staying centered in God. Where others may have had family members to tell these stories about their neighborhoods, and oppression, and maintaining the willpower to survive I had Nas. My pops was always working and him and my mom were always bumping heads until my freshman year of high school when they fully split. My maternal uncles and Grandfather served as role models but due to them living all the way down in Florida, I would only see them a few times a year if that.... Nas’ lyrics seemed to fill the void for the meanwhile. ✍️📝📖 As a Father, husband, youth minister and leader in my community I am grateful for someone who their platform as a place to teach and impart knowledge on the less fortunate. I’ve grown from “illmatic” as a “street disciple” and learned to execute “as it is written”.... Blessed by the Virgin Mary there’s a concept my homie Zay used to call “the ILL-maculate conception”.... Which is probably the best description of where I stand today. - A man building a bridge between two worlds. 🌎 ✝️🕊 #SainthoodInTheCity - The Symbol - All is Love Week Five of Marriage Mondays.
This week is about keeping balance. This is a weekly series released here on Mondays at 6PM where we will share about relationships and marriage as we build with one another as a family from week to week. Please follow @Pinky2Heaven on Instagram - The Symbol - All is Love 💭I was in the 7th grade... I was getting in trouble a lot at school - You name it! Detention, suspension, and weekly meetings with the guidance counselor, but nothing seemed to break through.... My English teacher at my public art school in Harlem was this small Jewish lady who saw my love for Hip Hop, and my passion for writing so she decided to buy on her own for me a book called “Tupac Resurrection”. The book had poetry, rhymes, thoughts, and other things from Tupac’s life. It was a release with the film documentary and album soundtrack. Pac’s passion and words motivated me while I was in a place where I felt as if there was nothing to aspire to. My younger childhood dream of being a “superhero” saw its fulfillment in art, music, and activism by looking at Pac. I began to explore more of his music, and became sort of consumed by his ambition... I remember hearing him say “I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world.” And I remember thinking to myself “He’s talking about me.” So many years have gone by, and so many more experiences have continued to shape me and I know the Holy Spirit allowed me to see it all through this lens for this specific mission.... #SainthoodInTheCity 🗽✝️🙌🏽 #2pac #ministry #chh #hiphop #encultured #eucharisticworldview @allislovemedia
- The Symbol - All is Love
In the darkest of nights,
these soft winged creatures glow Twinkling in the air like lullaby songs Putting babies to rest Your big beautiful eyelashes flickering off of round bright cheeks like full moon lights As you smile Fireflies - The Symbol - All is Love
As I grow, I learn more and more about myself; my experiences; how it has all affected me... And how I continue to grow.
- The Symbol - All is Love Looking at "Tradition" and the beauty of it, we explore the value of moving that forward for today's culture.
Playing off of the lyrics from "Grew Up In This" from @BeTheSymbol's "Sainthood In The City vol. 1" which state "In the beginning was the Word - WORD UP! My pops said Word is bond don't ever say bluff." this series is a more uncut version of some talks and encouragement looking at God's inspired word the Bible and pointing out a few ideas catered towards teens and young adults to pray about while implementing into their own lives. (Video by Earthly Lynx Productions) Look out for an episode every Thursday at 12 noon on The Symbol's Youtube Channel. - The Symbol - All is Love |
The Symbol's MUSIC :These are my thoughts . . . My Beliefs . . . My Actions . . . Everything I do. This is the documentation of my quest towards creating more unity in the community by authentic #LOVE.
This blog was started at: DaLyricalMiracle.blogspot.com and continued at: allislovefeelx.tumblr.com But now, as I have matured in my understanding as "The Symbol" and no longer Brandon Feel-X Morel you can continue my journey with me here. FREE DOWNLOADs(click above images to get download link)
March 2021