So I met @GerryTheShow from "WWW2C" a few years back and we've stayed connected throughout the years. Its been a blessing to me our conversations about faith, and evangelization, as well as giving platform for people's unique voices to be heard/seen in the church.
What We Wear to Church I know started as a blog from this brother and has grown to have not only a social media presence, but also has launched its own app for people to stay connected. Many times people have felt not welcomed because of standards set in churches here in our modern world from the old, and as culture continues to grow in a multiplicity of ways, I think this sort of two sided conversation which Gerry has started is very important. The app poses the question to the world of "What do you wear to church?" as well as allowing for individuals to answer that question with "What they wear to church". When Gerry recently reached out about this photoshoot, and just finding other ways in which we can stay connected in order to show more unity in the body of Christ I was excited to move forward with this dialogue on display for the world to see. I pray for the day when divisions in the Christian church cease to exist as they once did many years ago so that unified we can reflect the love of Christ to the world. To download the app, go to your app store and type in "What We Wear 2 Church", and follow on social media @WWW2C - The Symbol - All is Love
A good conversation where we speak about conversion; prayer life; spiritual direction; saints; and just all in all how we stay grounded in our Catholic faith.
Listen on iTunes at: Listen on Spotify at: - The Symbol - All is Love The Eucharist, which is the summit and source of our Christian faith also calls us to a communal living. Here are just a few clips from The Symbol speaking at The Encounter NYC using one of St. Augustine's sermons.
- The Symbol - All is Love How do we get our ministries and parishes to grow? Short clip from a few weeks back speaking to youth in the Bronx, New York City. Video by Earthly Lynx productions.
- The Symbol - All is Love Waiting....
It has been some time since I have really had to ride public transportation here around the city, but there is a lesson in holiness I have learned from it - in some ways still learning. As Americans... As millennials.... As people who live in an urban environment, the virtue of patience is one that definitely does not come easy. We are used to social media, fast food, internet speed, and much more which make our lives so convenient that we have lost a sense of waiting.... At least I know I have. By definition a virtue is a "behavior showing high moral standards" or if we look at it in traditional Christian angelology, they are "the seventh highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy." Interesting how virtue is something for man to seek to acquire, and yet is still the name of the highest of God's angels. How ironic is it that in our modern society, it is something that we have lost - virtues; morals; and patience probably being at the top of that list that is lost. A part of my natural character is to activate - or just take initiative. I find it weird at times to sit back and do nothing; to relax even - many times it feels like if I'm not being productive if even in some small way, then things seem to fall a part. And though in many ways this is an admirable quality for most, it is something that I have recently found myself hitting a road block with my relationship with God. It is something that many non Catholic Christian's would call a "works based Gospel", where in practice we get so caught up in doing things, that we forget to wait and allow God to act. Lately, for me I feel like I'm not doing enough and need to be doing more. However even Jesus shows us not to act or speak of our own accord as he doesn't even do so. "I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and speak." - John 12:49 I find myself in this awkward part at the end of summer simply waiting... For the new school year. For new missions in ministry. For new ideas and inspirations... For new opportunities to provide for my family. I find myself frustrated, wondering what it is that I can do more, when in actuality it is simply for me to wait... And allow God to act. Pray that we may be patient... And as as Psalm 46 says may we learn to live these words “Be still and know that I am God!" AMEN - The Symbol - All is Love
We spoke about family, ministry, culture, and living for Jesus and his church.
Listen on iTunes at: - The Symbol - All is Love
Another new one. Re-make of Chris Mcclarney's "Everything and Nothing Less" with a little Hip Hop twist. This one was fun collaborating with my brother Jesus and little sister Dafne on.
- The Symbol - All is Love Song: "Let Me See Something" by The Symbol
Now available on apple music, spotify, google play, and all other streaming platforms. "....the people of God have become 'missionary disciples'(cf. Mt. 28:19). The New Evangelization calls for personal involvement on the part of each of the baptized....Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: We no longer say we are 'disciples' and 'missionaries', but rather that we are always 'missionary disciples'." - Pope Francis(Evangeli Gaudium; paragraph120) Moving forward from "Encultured" into a practical analysis of our modern culture all is love brings to you this series "Do You" hosted by Dr. Alex Gotay, and produced by Brandon "The Symbol" Morel. For the full Encultured film, contact [email protected] for a special screening near you. Stay tuned every Saturday morning at 10 AM for each new episode of "Do You". For a special screening of the film "Encultured"(Evangelization in the American Catholic Church), send an email to: [email protected] with the subject "Encultured" - The Symbol - All is Love First off a HUGE thanks to my brother Stephen Eguino for these photos from a family photo shoot we did a few weeks ago (Check his stuff out at:
Every month, I organize with others The Encounter NYC, and we really take time to reflect upon Pope Francis' prayer intentions for the month as we plan the themes, etc. ( This month of August the Pope speaks about: The treasure of Families, and how "any far-reaching decisions of economists and politicians may protect the family as one of the treasures of humanity." This made me sit and reflect on my family... Coming from a minority background with not a lot of money, and working so hard not only in ministry, but just in being able to provide I've taken time to step back; reflect; and really see where it is that I could dedicate more time, be more kind, patient, and gentle in my role as the man of the house. Speaking honestly and transparently, sometimes we don't have all the money to do the nice vacations, and have too many things (we live in a small two bedroom apartment here in the Bronx, NYC) so it becomes overwhelming feeling like I am not able to fully complete my duties as the man of the home. Also, how I sometimes spend so much time trying to impact my community and the world, that I forget as Mother Theresa says "If you want to change the whole world, go home and love your family." The truth is... it's hard. And many times it seems like an uphill battle with no armor that the world seems to not even appreciate. At times it even feels like the Church itself has lost its sense of manhood/masculinity, and doesn't even value it any more. Even more so, although I have a great community, spiritual director, and other young men in my corner at times it even gets lonely. Last week without even telling my wife, I joined with another brother in faith in this Novena to St. Joseph which I plan to do again very soon where it speaks of the "Silent suffering of St. Joseph" which seemed to hit me hard as many times it seems I must also bear these crosses silently. I invite all of my fellow brothers to do as I have, in turning to St. Joseph in that he may bring our petitions to Jesus for the strength, endurance, and patience needed in our roles as men. May we put our families first, and bear our crosses silently for the redemption of our world. Amen. - The Symbol - All is Love
"Because of WHO YOU ARE, I give you glory..."
"I worship you; each verse I spew; the work I do - is bearing fruit; Still - They persecute, I further pursue; 'til earth is through; endure with you." - The Symbol - All is Love |
The Symbol's MUSIC :These are my thoughts . . . My Beliefs . . . My Actions . . . Everything I do. This is the documentation of my quest towards creating more unity in the community by authentic #LOVE.
This blog was started at: and continued at: But now, as I have matured in my understanding as "The Symbol" and no longer Brandon Feel-X Morel you can continue my journey with me here. FREE DOWNLOADs(click above images to get download link)
March 2021