Some of you may know that among the many hats and roles I fill such as Artist, Youth Minister, Father, Teaching Artist, Catechist, Writer, Entrepreneur etc. I hold an Administrative role in something called the AMDG Movement. Today, May, 30th, marks a new chapter as we got featured on Rome Reports with this story. I am honored and blessed to be a part of this history in the making. Please pray for this ministry, and as I move forward in this Lifestyle of #LOVE may hearts truly be reached and transformed to create true community. One that transcends, race or financial status, and even language or culture. - The Symbol
- All is Love
Here are just a few pictures of me and the group from my local Church at #NYCYD2014 just a few weeks back at St. Joseph's Seminary. It was a great event and I think the kids got a lot out of it. Check out for more about the event and more things coming from the New York Arch-Diocese of Youth Ministry of which I am a member of the Council.
- The Symbol - All is Love Here's a chance for you to win an E-40 tee shirt. Just follow what the above image says... Stay updated here for a behind the scenes look at this #allislove x #exodusforty colab! - The Symbol - All is Love I have a lot of things to catch up with you all about. A lot of videos, pictures, and other media. I write this blog however to speak to you about the great purification I have been facing and is leading me to greater trust, and more humility. First, I will post the scripture which can summarize this all... "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith? So do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear?’ All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness,* and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil." - Matt. 6:25-34 So lately as I have been swarmed with a HUGE workload working two jobs, finishing this Golden EP(as well as other colaborations with music), expanding and building All is Love, the new clothing sponsorship from E-40, and spearheading this AMDG movement it's been a little crazy to say the least. (This is not to mention the responsibilities with my local church family, and the daily duties of being a Father) There have been many late nights, waking up early, and working my daytime commitments which has lead me at times to feel like "Why am I going to this place?" and "something has got to give - I can't do this anymore" Where my great passion and joy is found is in my work with the parishes, speaking and performing, and all in all just creating art I have desired more and more I have a bigger time slot in my schedule to do just that. Seeing the fruits that have been coming from these activities has only inspired me to do and be more. Th e problem is however, that I need more financial income and not for myself but to fulfill my responsibilities as a Father. Mind you, I do not make a lot of money, and in fact my personal income is below what they would call the "poverty line" but at the end of the day these two jobs keep my phone on, help pay for transportation, and pay off this child support. In this all I enjoy my time at work when I am with the kids I teach, and time and time again it is shown to me just how important and necessary it is that I am there for reasons beyond me. Working for the Board of Ed. as a simple "School-Aide" and being a teaching artist with Kids Creative really has given me a huge influence with the kids that I work with in a daily basis. I am able to interact and be with them in a way that their school teachers and administration are not able to them. By simply playing with them, speaking with them, and teaching/ creating art with them collaboratively we are able to solve conflicts, and instill greater tools for them to be more peaceful people in their families/communities. I'm not going to lie - I would love to quit my job, go on tour with AMDG, sell these albums, and get vast distribution on all is love merchandise but I am learning to be faithful in my seemingly smaller daily life activities. I am learning each day to move forward with joy, love and peace, and I am consistently being asked to step outside of my self to truly be at te service of another. Being The Symbol may one day be something that gets HUGE spotlights and media coverage, but it's not about that. I have to put more faith and trust in the God I serve, practice humility and patience daily, to TRULY be The Symbol ... No matter how small or big the task may seem. - The Symbol - All is Love Tonight I am up here working and reflecting and my eyes are filled with tears.... Not out of sorrow, but out of an immense joy. As broken, and hurt as I have been - and as many mistakes and misjudgments I continuously make, it awes me the power of the love that has chosen me to bear this light. And tonight it is exploding in my chest... And I think of how beautifully amazing each and every one of you is, and how deeply you inspire me. We may not have spoken in a while, but you keep this fire alive. And in all of you I see a glory unexplainable by human words or human experience. No material thing can match what has been placed in my heart this evening. This generation is going to rise I promise. But it won't rise because of me, it will rise because of you. YOU ARE THE SYMBOL. Be the light you were always intended to be - I am here to walk with you. #TheSymbol #allislove So me and my homie @iJohnLevi are making History as we go live this Thursday on #AMDGmovement Radio at 10PM Eastern. Come check us out and join in on the fun! The official post can be found HERE on the AMDG site . . . Make sure you TOON in! lol
- The Symbol - All is Love Three pictures . . . That's all you are getting.
It was an amazing heartfelt event, that I know touched my own heart. I am learning more each and every day about humility. Still working to apply these lessons, but at Lehman it was such a true encounter. #word - The Symbol - All is Love |
The Symbol's MUSIC :These are my thoughts . . . My Beliefs . . . My Actions . . . Everything I do. This is the documentation of my quest towards creating more unity in the community by authentic #LOVE.
This blog was started at: and continued at: But now, as I have matured in my understanding as "The Symbol" and no longer Brandon Feel-X Morel you can continue my journey with me here. FREE DOWNLOADs(click above images to get download link)
March 2021